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The relationships between egg predation of an herbivorous lady beetle Epilachna niponica (Lewis ) and its predator, the earwig Anechura harmandi (Burr ), were examined in both time and space. In spite of little annual, changes in egg densities, egg mortality due to predation varied considerably. There was no, clear relationship between the earwig density and the proportionate predation over the five years. The seasonal occurrence of earwig nymphs on thistle plants, however, was closely synchronized with that of egg predation. Predator attacks on the beetle occurred in a time-restricted manner. Thus, later cohorts mostly escape from heavy predatory pressure. No spatially density-depent egg predation was detected at the level of either thistle plants or thistle patches. Furthermore, there was no indication of aggregative behaviour of the earwig in response to local egg density. The earwig density was more likely to be associated with particular localities with sandy deposits available for its nest site.  相似文献   
One of the most intriguing and complex characteristics of reproductive phenology in tropical forests is high diversity within and among forests. To understand such diversity, Newstrom et al. provided a systematic framework for the classification of tropical flowering phenology. They adopted frequency and regularity as criteria with priority, and classified plants in La Selva, Costa Rica, where most plants reproduced more than once a year irregularly. Many other studies have demonstrated annual cycles corresponding to rainfall patterns at the community level in Neotropical forests, including La Selva. On the other hand, supraannual flowering synchronized among various plant species, called general flowering, is known from aseasonal lowland dipterocarp forests in Southeast Asia. Within both forests, a wide spectrum of flowering patterns is found. This range of patterns suggests the great potential of tropical phenological studies to explore the selective pressures on phenology. Various abiotic and biotic factors can be selective agents. The shared pollinators hypothesis suggests that plant species sharing pollinators segregate flowering temporarily to minimize interspecific overlap in flowering times and thus minimize ineffective pollination or competition for pollinators, indicating strong phylogenetic constraints in timing and variation of flowering. Comparison of phenology within and among forests may help our understanding of phenological diversity. Attempts are now being made to develop a common language to communicate concepts and render interpretations of data more compatible among investigators and to create a network to promote comparative studies. Received: September 8, 2000 / Accepted: January 30, 2001  相似文献   
Summary We used an automated technique for the observation and quantification of zooplankton swimming behavior to study the behavioral responses of two congeneric, herbivorous, freshwater copepod prey to a copepod predator (Limnocalanus macrurus). One prey, Diaptomus sicilis, often co-occurs with Limnocalanus, while previous studies indicated that the zoogeographic distribution of the second prey, Diaptomus oregonensis, was independent of the predator. We found that in the presence of Limnocalanus, D. sicilis swims more slowly and with less hopping and jumping than D. oregonensis. Diaptomus sicilis is also attacked and consumed by the predator Limnocalanus macrurus less frequently than D. oregonensis. We suggest that the faster, noisier swimming of D. oregonensis increases its vulnerability to Limnocalanus. The behavioral defenses to both prey are induced by the presence of the predator, and may represent two different anti-predator strategies, crypsis and avoidance for D. sicilis and D. oregonensis respectively. In a zoogeographical analysis D. oregonensis occurs at densities below D. sicilis in lakes where Limnocalanus is at elevated abundances, while in low-predator lakes the opposite is true. This distribution pattern supports our experimental results, and suggests that D. sicilis is adapted to survive with Limnocalanus, while D. oregonensis is not.  相似文献   
Aspergillus versicolor, which has been isolated from several mould affected houses was shown by laboratory studies under axenic conditions to produce several specific volatile compounds on water agar. These compounds were not produced by the fungus when grown on a rich malt extract medium or on several synthetic media. The volatile compounds were analysed by GC-MS. The majority of the peaks represented aromatic compounds. A non-aromatic substance which previously has been revealed by us among prominent volatile compounds sampled from building materials from so-called mould houses was produced only on water agar. According to a comparison with the mass spectrum and retention time of pure reference compound this compound is ethylhexanol, a compound not previously reported as a mould metabolite. The presence of this compound was correlated with pungent odor in the cultures.  相似文献   
Synopsis Bagrids in Bahr Shebeen Nilotic canal depend mainly on fish, insects and shrimp as well as fish embryos for food and their stomachs included runoff materials (e.g. plant foliage, glass, black crystals, coloured gravel). B. bayad maximised its efficiency of catching prey catfish by face to face attack to avoid damage by the prey's pectoral and dorsal spines. In the size classes of 10 to 30 cm standard length, B. bayad and B. docmac show diet overlap and interact with each other especially with respect to tilapias as prey. After this length, B. docmac, aided by its relatively larger mouth, shifted to larger size of tilapias to coexist with B. bayad.  相似文献   
The attraction of the polyphagous grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.), to odors from plant foliage or to chemical components of these odors was tested in a glass Y-tube olfactometer. Humidified air was passed at equal flow rates through a sample chamber containing plant material and an empty control chamber and then through the Y-tube to the holding chamber containing the test insect. Solutions of volatile chemicals in water were metered at a constant rate into the sample air stream with a syringe pump. Insects moving upwind were recorded after entering either the sample or control arm of the Y-tube. Both nymphs and adults were strongly attracted to the odor of chopped and intact seedling foliage of perennial ryegrass and wheat. Chopped leaves but not intact leaves of sorghum and alfalfa also were significantly attractive. The major components of ryegrass odor from both chopped and stem-cut leaves were Z-hex-3-en-1-yl acetate, Z-hex-3-en-1-ol, and pent-1-en-3-ol, in that order, with lesser amounts of E-hex-2-enal. Chopped leaves released many more minor components. The major components when tested individually or in binary and ternary mixtures were significantly attractive to grasshoppers compared to humidified air but not to the degree of whole plant odor. However, a quartenary mixture simulating the odor blend had levels of attractancy equal to that of chopped grass odor. Blends of these 5- and 6-carbon unsaturated alcohols, esters, and aldehydes volatilizing from green plants probably play an important role as olfactory cues for orientation of grasshoppers to food plants.
Résumé L'attraction de M. sanguinipes (F.) par l'odeur du feuillage et des composés chimiques de ces odeurs a été examinée dans un olfactomètre en tube de verre en Y. Des flux identiques d'air humidifié étaient introduits dans une enceinte contenant le matériel végétal et dans une enceinte témoin, et, via le tube en Y, dans l'enceinte contenant l'insecte à étudier. Des solutions aqueuses de substances volatiles étaient introduites à un taux constant dans le courant d'air grâce à une seringue. Les insectes se déplaçant contre le vent étaient enregistrés après pénétration dans une branche déterminée du tube en Y. Larves et adultes étaient fortement attirés par l'odeur de feuillage intact ou coupé de semis de Lolium perenne et de blé (Triticum aestivum). Les feuilles coupées, mais non les feuilles intactes de sorgho (Sorghum bicolor) et de luzerne (Medicago sativa) étaient, elles aussi, significativement attractives. Les principales substances constituant de l'odeur de feuilles de Lolium perenne, tant coupées qu'intactes, étaient dans l'ordre de Z-hex-3-en-1-yl acétate, le Z-hex-3-en-1-ol et le pent-1-en-3-ol, et dans une moindre mesure, E-hex-2-enal. Les feuilles coupées libéraient beaucoup plus de composés secondaires. Les principaux constituants testés, seuls ou en mélanges binaires ou ternaires, étaient significativement attractifs, mais moins que l'odeur totale de la plante. Toutefois, un mélange quaternaire, simulant le mélange odorant, avait le même pouvoir attractif que l'odeur de la plante entière. L'union de ces alcools, esters et aldéhydes à 5- et 6-carbones non saturés, volatilisés à partir des plantes vertes, jouent probablement un grand rôle comme signaux orientateurs lors de l'attraction des criquets par leur plantes alimentaires.
1.  Most studies examining interactions between insectivorous bats and tympanate prey use the echolocation calls of aerially-feeding bats in their analyses. We examined the auditory responses of noctuid (Eurois astricta) and notodontid (Pheosia rimosa) moth to the echolocation call characteristics of a gleaning insectivorous bat, Myotis evotis.
2.  While gleaning, M. Evotis used short duration (mean ± SD = 0.66 ± 0.28 ms, Table 2), high frequency, FM calls (FM sweep = 80 – 37 kHz) of relatively low intensity (77.3 + 2.9, –4.2 dB SPL). Call peak frequency was 52.2 kHz with most of the energy above 50 kHz (Fig. 1).
3.  Echolocation was not required for prey detection or capture as calls were emitted during only 50% of hovers and 59% of attacks. When echolocation was used, bats ceased calling 324.7 (±200.4) ms before attacking (Fig. 2), probably using prey-generated sounds to locate fluttering moths. Mean call repetition rate during gleaning attacks was 21.7 (±15.5) calls/s and feeding buzzes were never recorded.
4.  Eurois astricta and P. rimosa are typical of most tympanate moths having ears with BFs between 20 and 40 kHz (Fig. 3); apparently tuned to the echolocation calls of aerially-feeding bats. The ears of both species respond poorly to the high frequency, short duration, faint stimuli representing the echolocation calls of gleaning M. evotis (Figs. 4–6).
5.  Our results demonstrate that tympanate moths, and potentially other nocturnal insects, are unable to detect the echolocation calls typical of gleaning bats and thus are particularly susceptible to predation.
Population dynamics of Heliothis virescens (F.) and Heliothis zea (Boddie ) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs and larvae were studied for two years in a small plot of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum (L.). Due to morphological and ecological similarities, the pooled Heliothis population was considered for most of the analyses. Two generations of Heliothis eggs and larvae were completed during each year. Stage recruitment was estimated for the eggs and larval instars 2–6, and recruitment variances were estimated by a Monte Carlo method. A modified form of the Weibull distribution was developed and used as a model to characterize survivorship curves for each of the four Heliothis generations. A Type I survivorship curve (mortality rate increasing with age) was inferred for both Generation 1 (early season) data sets, whereas a Type II survivorship curve (mortality rate constant and thus independent of age) was inferred for both Generation 2 (late season) data sets. The shapes of the survivorship curves for the individual H. virescens and H. zea populations were inferred to be the same as those for the pooled populations. Analysis of the contributions of various factors to Heliothis stage-specific mortality indicated that natural enemies (predators and parasites) and the availability of food for larvae were responsible for between-generation differences in survivorship patterns.  相似文献   
Synopsis Development of the fish community on a submerged 16 m barge and variation in fish abundance on nearby transects were surveyed twice monthly for twenty months. A steady increase in abundance was observed for certain fishes on the barge, whereas a few species exhibited distinct seasonal variation on both the barge and transects. Most of the seasonal species settled between March and May.Some seasonal species appeared to be site selective in their settlement and consequently settled juveniles were clumped in their distribution. An abundance of preferred topographical features may be why settlement was relatively high at the study site and indirectly why predators became significantly (r3 = 7.67***, N = 37) more abundant at the study area during the months of maximum prey settlement. Concurrent settlement of several species during the same few months may be important because juveniles become an abundant food source to predators during those few months only. Periodic swamping of predators by abundant juvenile prey may improve the chances for individuals of rarer prey species to be overlooked and therefore be succesfully recruited.  相似文献   
The addition of the proper amount of ammonium to the culture medium containing nitrate as nitrogen source enhanced the growth rate of Anabaena viguieri. The amount of geosmin produced by these cells varied with the concentrations of ammonium added. A negative correlation between the amount of geosmin produced and of the growth rate of cells was revealed. This was also found in cells grown on various forms of nitrogen sources. Without supply of any nitrogen compound, this organism is capable of fixing gaseous nitrogen, and under these conditions the cells grew relatively slowly. However, they produced more geosmin (per unit protein mass) than cells grown in the presence of combined nitrogen. The isolation of heterocysts, in which nitrogen was fixed, showed that these cells produced higher amounts of geosmin than vegetative cells. The possible relation of nitrogen assimilation to the production of geosmin in the cells was discussed.  相似文献   
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